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Raw on = ancient technology of resistance

Ana Pi and Dj Firmeza


Auditório Municipal de Vila do Conde

22 Sept. (Fri.) | 22:30
National Premiere
M/6 | duration: 50 min. | 5 €

I used to say that dancing delays war. For me, the set of Afro-diasporic dances is one of the rarest elements that still protect the ngunzu of the planet Earth, in other words: vitality. Among these dances that I study with care, certain movements are essential, including walking and its notion of dynamic balance. In Capoeira Angola, this walk is called ginga, in homage to a warrior queen who during her lifetime put the atrocity of the colonial project on hold. For the time of this evening Paris Performance I invite the Luso-Angolan producer Dj Firmeza, with the intensity of his post-kuduro music, his singular flow and his percussive mixing, to join me for a training session, of deployment. The turntables will provide the rhythm, a rereading of traditional sacred and popular dances, where it is always a question of dialogue between the basic steps and the drumming. Together we will celebrate the power of common ground, raw materials, ancestral gestures that do not suffer from programmed obsolescence.
– Ana Pi

Direction, choreography and performance: Ana Pi | Music composition and perforrmance: Dj Firmeza

Ana Pi
Choreographic and imagery artist, researcher of Afro-diasporic and urban dances, extemporary dancer and pedagogue, her practices are woven through the act of traveling. Her work is situated among the notions of transit, displacement, belonging, superposition, memory, colors and ordinary gestures. In 2020 she created the structure NA MATA LAB.
The Divine Cypher, RAW ON, Fumaça, Meditation on Beauty, èscultura, O BΔNQUETE, COROA, NoirBLUE, DRW2 and Le Tour du Monde des Danses Urbaines en 10 villes, are her pieces that articulate choreography, discourse and installation. Amid her audiovisual works stand out NoirBLUE — the displacements of a dance (2018 – 27’), her first documentary and internationally awarded, and the essays Another Anagram of Ideas (2022- 10’07) and VÓS (2011 – 5’30). CORPO FIRME; danças periféricas, gestos sagrados is the practice she has been developing and sharing since 2010.
Her pieces, films and research were programmed in venues as MoMA, Cisneros Institute, Centre Pompidou, Fondation Cartier, Fondation Pernod Ricard, Museo Reina Sofia, International Film Festival Rotterdam, FestCURTAS, Kurzfilmtage Oberhausen 65., Mostra VERBO, Videobrasil, Fórum Doc, Afrocyberféminismes, Museu INHOTIM, BAD festival, Festival Antigel, Festival Impulstanz, Festival Latitudes Contemporaines, Artdanthé, The future is feminist festival, MUCEM, Parallèl festival, Lafayette Anticipations, MAC VAL, La Briqueterie CDCN, Alkantara Festival, MASP, Panorama da Arte Brasileira, Mutants Assembly, Circular Festival, Instituto Moreira Salles, La Briqueterie CDCN, Frestas Trienal das Artes, Lá da Favelinha, Festival d’Automne Paris, among others.
Through the work, her own and collaborations, Ana Pi has  been to the following countries: Niger, Burkina Faso, Mali, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Equatorial Guinea, Ethiopia, Angola, Mauritania, Morocco, Tunisia, Japan, Peru, Argentina, Chile, Ecuador, United States, United Kingdom, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Netherlands, Austria, Germany, Poland, Israel, Romania, Turkey, Czechia, Jamaica, Norway, Haïti, Senegal, Re Island*, Martinique*, in addition to France and Brazil where her main transit happens.